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Gruffalo Announcement

Important announcement from the Gruffalo

As the Gruffalo hibernates for a short time, we wanted to bring you an important message from him…

When you take a stroll in the deep dark wood,
I’m afraid you won’t see me, I don’t feel very good.
Such a busy year, it has really been,
By hundreds of families I’ve been seen,
So for just a few days, I need to rest,
Like for everyone, lockdown has been a tough test.

Normally through winter, I can hibernate,
But with all these visitors I left it too late.
Don’t worry, Mouse, and the others are all still here,
And I know when you see them, they’ll make you cheer.
I can’t wait to rest and then get back to my base,
Colin Glen, it’s such a wonderful place!

I’m so grateful for our hard working team,
Who try so hard to keep the dark woods clean.
I know they’ll work hard to help me get better,
And I’ll be back soon, stronger than ever.
But we need some support, that would be so great,
It’s really easy, just click below to donate??.

For now though I need to disappear from sight,
So please pass quietly in case you just might,
Wake me too early from my rest and my sleep,
And whatever you do please don’t peep,
Inside my shelter, while I’m sleeping so happy,
Or for the rest of the summer I might be too snappy.

Gruffalo Hibernates – Donate Today

This past year has been incredibly tough for us all. We have been trying our best to keep the Gruffalo and his friends in good health and to keep our park clean and tidy with a very limited team. If you’d like to show your support, please make a donation today. No matter how small, we will appreciate it!

Thank you everyone.