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Colin Glen on track to welcome new attractions in Spring 2020

Construction is currently progressing across the sites of our new attractions with a number of exciting developments happening this week, in anticipation of a Spring 2020 launch.

Toboggan track: The toboggan track is currently being installed with the track having been laid out and pieced together throughout the Belfast Hills. The top and bottom stations have also been built where passengers will enter and exit the coaster.

Top Station: The site for the Top station building is starting to be marked out and discussions are taking place about the completion date which will potentially be before the end of this year. The building is being delivered by crane; it will arrive in four parts which will then be bolted together on site.

Zip Line: The zip line planning application is due to be considered at committee in November and it is anticipated that work will commence on site in early December with a view to opening Ireland’s longest zip line in Spring 2020. There is also some discussion that the long zip line might become a double line, meaning that two people can travel at the same time.

Dome: The dome covered pitch is progressing well, aided by the recent good weather. The steelwork for the ring beam (the anchor that will stop the dome from lifting off the ground) is completed and is ready for the concrete pour which we hope will take place soon dependent on weather conditions.

Driving Range: Even though the range has been open since March, snags and minor defects are being ironed out by the team. The outfield drainage has worked fantastically in the majority of places but there are a couple of areas where the rain water is gathering and causing the robotic grass cutter and the ball collector to get stuck. There is a site inspection on Wednesday to iron out some solutions.

To keep track of our developments and to support our organisation, please follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.